Intuition Training 

什麼是直覺力?直覺力亦即是〝第六感〞,超越視覺、聽覺、味覺、嗅覺及觸覺,這五種感官之外的〝第六種〞感覺。而直覺力所表現出的力量的確令人驚嘆不已,所以很多人會覺得這只是一部份人才會擁有的一種神祕力量。這絕對是 〝錯〞的想法。當我們是嬰孩或童年的時候,我們會經常運用我們的〝直覺力〞。但是當我們長大之後,我們只相信理性的知識,相信一切我們肉眼所見的事物,而忘記我們每個人在睡夢中,閉上眼睛都能夠看到任何事物,而且比用肉眼看到更為真實及有價值。理性將我們与這天賦〝直覺力〞的連結慢慢的切斷了。這工作坊將教導我們如何把邏輯的頭腦放下,讓你學習如何在適當的時候,怎樣掌握你的直覺力,重新選擇你人生的方向。你亦將會重新連結你的天賦-直覺力。透過直覺力,你將會發現如何聆聽你內在的聲音,接受屬於你較高自我的內在指引,創造你靈性成長之路。

What are intuitions? Intuition also known as the "sixth sense", it goes beyond the five senses of a human-sight, hearing, taste, and touch. The Power of intuition has been astounding; therefore it is always misunderstood to be a "Mysterious Power" that only possess by a minority of people. This is definitely a "Mistaken" thought. As a fact, we had been using our "intuition power" during the time when we were still a baby and our childhood time. As we grew older, we became rational and believe in only what we seen. We have forgotten that in our dream, we are able see everything, even clearer and more precise than with our flesh eye. Rational had slowly distance us from our "intuition ability". This workshop will lead us how to let go of our logical mind, and learn to grasp the Power of Intuition at the proper moment, and alter the direction of your life. You will also reconnect with your natural talent - intuition power. Through intuition, you will learn to listen to your inner voice, accept the inner guide from your higher inner self, thus create your own spiritual growth route.

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