
坊間有許多為父母而設,增強孩子具競爭力的中心. 这些中心形形式式之多,因需求太大. 做父母都期望孩子成龍,成為自己心目中的期望。 在許多父母適心努力安排下,好多時候都事與願違,而且父母的挫敗感,也令孩子自己對自己也失望。

我們真的要用這方式,繼續苦苦牽扯嗎? "現今教育強調不能犯錯",連帶家長也以此為目標。這種不允許孩子犯錯的求存心態,已造成了社會上很多的悲劇。 如小小年紀的他們,為何遇上挫折,而選擇走上一條不歸路。 其實 "過錯" 只是一種自我成長必須的一種方式。 這個不健康,不合理的舊觀念,不但扼殺了我們孩子的創意,同時也犠牲了孩子的自信心,及邁向成年人該有的承擔能力。

整天在大人的監視眼光下討生活,亦在完全被否定下去教育他們,令他們隨時都要裝出虛假的一面去討好大人,以免挨駡,將生活變得沉重。 孩子天生的能力與天賦被壓抑後,對什麽事都沒有興趣,學習變成他們痛苦的過程。

2000年過後,你將發現有很多新時代小孩 (靛藍小孩,星星小孩) 來到世界。 他們擁有一種獨特的特質,有無限創造力,有天生的辨別力和主導自己能力。 他們就是要打破家人和社會的不自由𣕧鎖而來,這群小小的革命者,因愛誕生於你家庭中,希望你透過他們走向自由快樂的生活。


Let's children to grow with Love Workshop

Nowadays, there are many centers designed especially for parents, to enhance their children's competitive strength. These centers are in many kinds due to high demands. Parents always expect their children to be successful and also must meet their expectations. What happens is many parents are trying to do the best arrangement, but nothing comes out as planned for most of the times, parents then will feel frustrated and indirectly this will also make their children feel very disappointed also.

Do we really want to adopt this approach and continue these sufferings?
"Nowadays education emphasizes on not making any mistakes", and parents also set this as their target. This mentality of not allowing the children to make any mistakes has caused many tragedies in the society. Why at a very young age, when they encountered failures, they will decide to end their life? In fact, "fault/failure" is just a way for self-growing. This unhealthy and irrational old idea or concept, not only will kill the children's creativity, but also sacrificing the children's self-confidence and also their abilities to take responsibility when growing up.

Everyday the children have to live under all adults' monitoring, and also under adults' denying, this will make them to put on a 'fake mask' to please adults in order not to get scolded, their life eventually will become very heavy with burden. After the children abilities and talents being suppressed, they will lose interests to everything, and learning will become a painful process.

After year 2000, you will find many new age kids (Indigo Children, Star kids) came into this world. They have a unique character, very creative, born with power of discrimination and ability to lead their own. They are here to break the unfree chains of family and society, with this batch of young revolutionists, they born with love into your family, hoping parents are able to live a happy and freedom life through them.

Through tolerance and acceptance, the quality of love, will allowing them to re-connect back with themselves, brave to be themselves, re-exploit their creativities, and with their self-affirmation, will allow them to live happily and freely!

co organizers:
静心轩.身心灵充电站  (Simply Place)
No. 86-2, Lorong Laksamana Cheng Ho 5,
75000, Melaka, Malaysia.
tel :012-6011635 / 016-6700336


Personal growth centre
address: 64c Faber plaza Jalan desa bakti taman desa ,58100,kuala lumpur

Tel :03 79723256
Fb:personal growth centre

Date Time Fees
19/04/2014 (Sat-Sun) 10.00 am - 06.00 pm : RM 680
20/04/2014 (Sat-Sun) 10.00 am - 05.00 pm



陈文举 (Michelle Chan)

陈文举 (Michelle Chan) 是一位新时代的生活实践家。 于2000年建筑系毕业后,就开始了社会大学之旅。 在这段期间, 曾在吉隆坡,中国,新加坡和越南 '留下足迹'。 在这7年当中,虽然工作待遇不错, 但总觉得自己的人生就像缺了一块拼图。 在2010年,赫然决定寻找这 "迷失的一块", 于是开始了自我探索的旅程。

於2011年在马六甲成立了[静心轩。身心灵充电站] -- 提供一道桥梁,传达有关身心灵整体健康的讯息和课程,并唤醒每个人内在伟大的治疗力量。 在这寻寻觅觅的3年当中,也接触了不同类型的内在成长课程 - 深层沟通,赛斯心法,曼陀罗,心灵绘画,无意识舞蹈,印度合一大學「深度覺醒課程」, 内观和笑瑜伽。 為國際合一大學和笑瑜伽認證訓練師。


陈文举 (Michelle Chan)

鄭心文﹝Tarhela Amanda﹞是一位知名的藝術療癒工作者,生活在馬來西亞的香港人,之前為香港葛亮洪心肺專科醫生護士。從治療身體上的痛楚到現在的藝術心靈治療,都讓她突破生命中的無限,她深信"生命就如藝術,藝術等同於生命"。所以,每一個人都一定是他自己生命的藝術家。追求內在生活品質及身,心,靈平衡。這正是對自己生命應有的態度,真正用"愛","慈悲"及"寬恕"對待自己,他人及地球,將會是未來個人覺醒的新一個轉化時代。

37曾 跟隨英國直覺力大師 Mangala Billson 啟發直覺感應力,超感官覺知、James Wanless, Ph.D. 學習 New Age Voyager Tarot ; Swami Prema Sarovara 學習顔色治療;NLP 執行師,Usui Tibetan Reiki Master & Karuna Reiki Master ;laughter yoga teacher 夏威夷Huna 。再運用多年治療經驗而創立出新的療癒方法"靈魂能量對話",她深信透過與每位靈魂相遇,讓大家一同走向成長及回家之路。於2004 在馬來西亞成立〝個人成長中心〞Personal Growth Centre。不斷引進不同層面的藝術心靈成長課程。讓大家能有一個洗滌心靈的舒適地方。

37曾任多屆馬來西亞 ASTRO 華裔小姐賽前預測顧問及 馬來西亞TV3、RTM2、988電台、中國報、星洲日報、風采等多個媒體專訪。亦為多本雜誌開設藝術心靈成長專欄。

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