Daniel Darby

Daniel Darby ﹝丹尼爾達比﹞ 丹尼爾是一位有力量的薩滿祭師,他是北美印地安地諾(Cherokee) 族‧原住民原名為 “不動石Stone Sitting” 他當過8年的學徒習修北美印地安傳統, 並且擁有神學及電腦科學的學位‧ 除了是薩滿祭師之外, 他亦是位催眠治療師, 徒手治療師, 並且是親密關係的諮詢顧問. 他是天生的通靈者, 並且具有許多生活多元的體驗.。很多上過他的課或找他做過諮詢的人都十分有感Daniel改變了他們的生命, 他的確是位充滿愛心, 溫暖, 具有魅力及靈通的老師, 曾有過25年經驗的治療師及生命顧問。

Daniel Darby, Native American Shaman
Daniel is a powerful shamanic practitioner, he is part Cherokee Indian, and his Native American name is Stone Sitting. Daniel is also a hypnotherapist, a hands-on healer and relationship counselor. A natural psychic, and channel Daniel has had many life changing experiences during his life. He is warm hearted and charismatic teacher, and a gifted reader and healer. As a Shamanic practitioner he trained the traditional way through an 8 year apprenticeship, but he also has degrees in theology and computer science. He has 25 years experience.

Working with Daniel is never boring. He focuses his whole attention on me, and listens to who I am. He has done more than anyone else to help me understand myself and heal emotional wounds. Through taking part in ceremony with Daniel I have reconnected with the magic and mystery of life and remembered I do have the power to change my reality. I am more grateful than I can express. Vicki, Developer, UK

Daniel is a great teacher and a great human being. I wish I could explain professionally what he has done for me, my husband, and my family. This is not a man who dictates morals and ethics; this is a man who guides you to find your own by following your heart.

It is rare to meet a person in whom you can have utter confidence. I would honestly trust this man with my life, or that of my child’s. Glynis, Actress & Teacher, Hong Kong & Scotland.

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